Review of the year’s events 2013 [EN]

Last updated on 23. Februar 2014

Dieser Artikel ist auch auf Deutsch erschienen.

The year is going to end and my blog has changed a lot. Therefore I want to give a little review of what happend in 2013.

My blog in numbers:

I have publicised 183 articles including this post in my blog overall. 16 of them ar written in Englisch.

49 comments were made at my blog so far.

I have 36 categories and 232 tags in use.

My longest article has 2324 words : Laureaten beißen nicht! This article was also the most inteteresting for you!

The article with the most comments (36) is 7 WordPress Shop Plugins im Test.

Since my blog has moved in the end of August I already got 1795 page views although my old blogs still exist. October was the best month with 421 clicks.

On average the pages on my blog were clicked 13 times a day. The best month was August with 19 clicks per day on average.

The best day on my blog so far was the 14th August with 144 page views!

Feedburner counts a maximum of 10 subscribers for my blog.

My Facebook page has 53 Likes and my Twitter account 29 Follower.

I wrote in this year at 3 other blogs as a guest blogger!

My highlights for the last year:

I want to tell you the best moments of the last year with some short sentences.

I started knitting.

I started to focus on urban sketching.

I got my Bachelor of Science!

I was at the Humitec Barcamp in Berlin.

I was tagged the first time.

I gave my first talk at the JUGGR (Java User Group Görlitz).

I wrote my first article in English.

I merged my two old blogs to this new one.

Heidelberg Laureate Forum

I have started my masters!

My knitted australian droid made a journey around the world!

I viewed the 30c3 in our university.

New Year’s resolutions for my blog

With the new year I want to make some resolutions for my blog.

  • Remove all the old and incorrect links to my old blogs.
  • Finally remove my old blogs.
  • Keep on writing an article a week.
  • Keep on writing all my articles in German and Englisch.
  • Write more in my computer science part of my blog.
  • Maybe I will open some new categories in my blog.

What are your wishes for my blog in the next year? Are there topics you want to read more about? Or is there something you want to tell me and my blog for the new year? How was your year going?

I wish you all a happy new year!

Marlene Knoche Verfasst von:

Informatikerin mit Hang zur Kunst. - Theaterbegeistert, mag Katzen und Kaffee.

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