SoCS’14: Drawings and little Review [EN]

Last updated on 15. Januar 2015

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From November 26 to November 28 2014 the Symposium on Computiational Sustainablity 2014 (SoCS’14) took place in Görlitz. I had the opportunity to attend the first two days and hat the chance to hear some very intereseting talks from different disciplines. The spectrum of topics reached from machine learning, cloud computing and privacy to social aspects of sustainability.

Within the symposium the 4th SITA meeting took place which also was the first time in Görlitz. Next year the 5th SITA meeting will be in Berlin.

On both days and the get-together events I had the chance to get to know new people and in addition I had the chance to act as a ‚conference painter‘.

I want to show the the drawings I made. They show the speakers of the first two days.

26 November 2014
26 November 2014
27 November 2014
27 November 2014
Marlene Knoche Verfasst von:

Informatikerin mit Hang zur Kunst. - Theaterbegeistert, mag Katzen und Kaffee.

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