Application for the Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2014 will open [EN]

Last updated on 13. November 2013

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On November 15th 2013 the application for the Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2014 will be open! At you can apply for beeing part of the next forum.

Requirements: You are an undergraduate, PhD student or Post Doc in Computer Science or Mathematics and you have an interesting topic you’re doing research on.

Why apply?

  1. You have the great opportunity to spend a great week with 199 other young researchers for connecting and sharing ideas.
  2. You also have the opportunity to meet the laureates in mathematics and computer science and talk to them and share ideas for your research topics.
  3. You can listen to great lectures and take part in workshops where you can learn about actual research topics of the laureates and the other young researchers and discuss about it.
  4. Heidelberg is a beautiful city to spend time in.

From my own experience as a blogger for the forum in 2013 I can tell that you should not miss the chance to be part of the next years forum!

To make the decision whether to apply or not easier for you, you could read my article about the forum!

Marlene Knoche Verfasst von:

Informatikerin mit Hang zur Kunst. - Theaterbegeistert, mag Katzen und Kaffee.

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